
Showing posts with label private parts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label private parts. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Things in which a woman differs from a man in prayer

Things in which a woman differs from a man in prayer

As for a man:

1) His private parts (that must be covered) in prayer are between his umbilicus and knee.
2) He speaks loudly in loudness situations in prayer.
3) He raises his belly above his thighs and his elbows above his sides in prostration.
4) If something happens to him during prayer, he says Exalted is God.” to remember Allah.

As for a woman:

1) She makes her body parts near each other and uncovers only her face and hands in prayer.
2) She speaks loudly in loudness situations, only, if she prays alone, with her unmaritable relations (Mahaarim), or with other women. She lowers her voice when she prays in presence of strangers.
3) If something happens to her during prayer, she claps by striking her right palm on the back of her left hand.

Sahl ibn Sad AL Saidi reported: The Messenger of Allah came back from visiting Amr ibn Awf tribe and found that Abu-Bakr had led people (in the prayer). When the praying persons realized the Prophet’s coming, they started to clap. Abu-Bakr turned, and moved back to the row. The Prophet stepped forward and led the prayer. When the Prophet had finished his prayer, he said, Why did I see you clapping so much?! If something happens to one of you in prayer, he should say: Exalted is God (Subhan Allah).’ When he says, Exalted is God’, he will be heard. Clapping is only for women.” [Muslim].

Selections from Islamic Jurisprudence - Preface

The Aim of Translating This Book ﴾ Praise be to Allah, Who has guided us to this, and in no way we could have been guided, unless...