
Showing posts with label Rejected Legal Opinions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rejected Legal Opinions. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Rejected Legal Opinions

Rejected Legal Opinions

Rejected Legal Opinions

Some people break into the field of juristic deduction and legal opinions, that results in destroying themselves and leading others to Hell.

¨Some of them say, “A legal thing (Halal) is the thing that is suitable to society’s values and traditions, and the prohibited thing (Haraam) is the thing that is unsuitable to society’s values and traditions.”

¨And others advise you and say, “Do not be confused. The Messenger has said, ‘Consult your heart. Piety is that about which the soul feels at ease and the heart feels tranquil. And sin is that which wavers in the soul and causes uneasiness in the breast.’

In reply to that God says:

And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying﴿ Chapter of the Cattle. Verse NO 116

Then is one to whom the evil of his deed has been made attractive so he considers it good [like one rightly guided]?﴿ 
Chapter of the Orginator (Surat Faatir).

Or have they other deities who have ordained for them a religion to which Allah has not consented?﴿ 
Chapter of Consultation (Surat Ash-Shuraa).

Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after Allah? Then will you not be reminded?﴿ 
Chapter of Bowing the Knee (Surat AL-Jathiyah). Verse NO 23

●And the Prophet says, “Both legal and illegal things are obvious.”
Reference: Sahih AL Bukhari 2051   the Book of Sales and Trade. Hadith 5

*When we reply to that according to mindfulness, we say:

It is impossible for the society’s values and traditions to be a source of legislation; they change from time to time and differ from one place to another, and Islam does not accept changing its provisions and acts of worship.

Selections from Islamic Jurisprudence - Preface

The Aim of Translating This Book ﴾ Praise be to Allah, Who has guided us to this, and in no way we could have been guided, unless...