
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Islam is A Global Religion

Islam is A Global Religion

Islam is A Global Religion

Allah has sent His Prophet Muhammad to address humanity at all times and everywhere. He fits multiple human races and energies.

As the Prophet has been a magnet for all his significant contemporaries: the genius of war, the genius of management, the genius of youth, the genius of wisdom, and the genius of Sufism, also Islam has been the same. It is still a magnet for those of action with different abilities and tendencies.

Some of them can only perform obligations perfectly, some others exceed performing obligatory prayers to perform also regular Sunnah prayers, and others accept nothing but being from those of high rank.

And out of God’s mercy that He does not refuse any of them; instead, He accepts all their deeds regardless their values, on two conditions:
¨The doer is a Muslim.                                  
¨His deed is only for the sake of God.

This is according to God’s saying Race toward forgiveness from your Lord and Garden whose width is like the width of the heavens and earth, prepared for those who believed in Allah and His messengers. That is the bounty of Allah which He gives to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty﴿ 
Chapter of Iron (Surat AL-Hadeed) Verse NO 21

Allah has put His servants into ranks according to their deeds; i.e., some of them are Muslims, some are believers, and others are doers of good and pious.
This has been provided in the tradition, in which the Prophet has defined Belief, Islam, and the doing of good:   https://sunnah.com/urn/181120

God says They are [varying] degrees in the sight of Allah, and Allah is Seeing whatever they do﴿ Chapter of Family of Imran. Verse NO 163

An example of the least active persons:

●Abu-Suhail narrated from his father: That he heard Talha ibn ᶦUbaidallah say: 
“A man from Najd with dishevelled hair came to the Messenger of Allah asking about Islam. 
The Messenger of Allah said, ‘Five prayers every day and night.’ 
He said: ‘Do I have to do any more than that?’ 
He said: ‘No, but whatever you do out of your own free will.’ 
The Messenger of Allah said, ‘Fasting the month of Ramadan.’ 
He said: ‘Do I have to do any more than that?’ 
He said: ‘No, but whatever you do out of your own free will.’ 
Then the Messenger of Allah told him about charity (Zakah). 
He said: ‘Do I have to do any more than that?’ 
He said: ‘No, but whatever you do out of your own free will.’ 

The man left saying, ‘I will not do any more than that or any less.’ 
The Messenger of Allah said: ‘He will succeed if he is telling the truth.’
Reference: Sunan AL-Nasaᶦi 5028    Book 47, Hadith 44

Note that: The Prophet did not mention pilgrimage in the previous tradition as it has not been made obligatory at that time yet. It has been made obligatory in the ninth year of Hijrah.

An example of the most active persons:

●It was narrated from Abi- Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said, “Who amongst you is fasting today?” Abu-Bakr said: “I am.” 
He said: “Who amongst you followed a funeral procession today?” Abu-Bakr said: “I did.” 
He said, “Who amongst you fed a needy today?” Abu-Bakr said: “I did.”
He said, “Who amongst you visited a sick man today?” Abu Bakr said, “I did.” 
Thereupon, Allah’s Messenger said: “Anyone in whom (these good deeds) are combined will certainly enter Paradise.”
Reference: Sahih Muslim 1028b      Book 44, Hadith 13

●Abu-Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Some of the poor Emigrants came to the Messenger of Allah and said to him, “The wealthy have obtained all high ranks and everlasting bliss.” 
He asked, “How is that?” 
They replied: “They perform prayer as we do, and fast as we do, but they give alms (Sadaqah) and we do not, and they free the slaves but we cannot.”

 He said, “Shall I not teach you something with which you will catch up with those who have preceded you and will get ahead of those who follow you, and no one will surpass you unless he does the same as you do?”

They said, “Surely, O Messenger of Allah.” 
He said: “Say: ‘Subhan Allah, Allahu Akbar and AL-Hamdu Lillah’ thirty three times at the end of every prayer.” 
They returned to him and said: “Our brothers, the possessors of wealth, having heard what we are doing, have started doing the same.” 
The Messenger said, “This is Grace of Allah which He gives to whom He wishes.”
Reference: Riyad As-Saaliheen.     The Book of Miscellany [AL Bukhari and Muslim]

¨Thus, Islam has offered grades in Paradise and opened doors for those who want to do more good deeds. This is by volunteering or optional worship beside performing obligations.

For example:

*Beside five obligatory prayers, we can perform the regular Sunnah prayers.
*Beside fasting the month of Ramadan, we can perform voluntary fasting.
*Beside obligatory charity (Zakah), we can give alms (Sadaqah).
*Beside pilgrimage, we can perform ᶦUmrah.
*Beside inheritance, we can make a bequest.

●Abu-Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (P.P.B.U.H) said, “Allah, the Exalted, has said:

‘The most beloved thing with which My servant comes nearer to Me is what I have enjoined upon him, and My servant keeps on coming closer to Me through performing optional worship (Nawaafil) till I love him. 

When I love him I become his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his leg with which he walks; if he asks My Protection (refuge), I protect him.’
Reference: Riyad As-Saaliheen.   The Book of Miscellany [AL-Bukhari].

Women compete with men

Even women in the days of the Prophet were not distracted, with childbirth and raising this large number of strivers, from looking for means of reaching high levels in Paradise, as they believed in justice of Allah Who says Never will I allow to be lost the work of [any] worker among you, whether male or female; you are of one another﴿ 
Chapter of Family of Imraan. Verse NO 195
Mujahid reported: Umm Salamah said, “Men fight and women do not fight, and we only get half the inheritance.” So, Allah revealed And wish not for things in which Allah has made some of you excel over others…﴿ Chapter of Women. Verse NO 32
Mujahid said: “And the following was revealed about that: Verily the Muslim men and the Muslim women….﴿ Chapter of the Confederates. Verse NO 35 
And Umm Salamah was the first camel-borne woman to arrive in AL-Madinah as an emigrant.”
Reference: Jami AL-Tirmidhi.  Book 47, Hadith 3295

●ᶦAishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: I said: “O Messenger of Allah! We consider striving (Jihaad) as the best deed, should we not then go for Jihaad
The Messenger said: “The best Jihaad for you women is accepted pilgrimage (Hajj Mabrur).”  
Reference: Riyad As-Saaliheen. The Book of Hajj [AL-Bukhari].

Abu Said AL-Khudri reported: Some women requested the Prophet to fix a day for them as the men were taking all his time. 
On that he promised them one day for religious lessons and commandments. Once during such a lesson the Prophet said, “A woman whose three children die will be shielded by them from the Hell fire.”
On that a woman asked, “If only two die?”
He replied, “Even two (will shield her from the Hell fire).”
Reference: Sahih AL-Bukhari    Book 3, Hadith 43

Selections from Islamic Jurisprudence - Preface

The Aim of Translating This Book ﴾ Praise be to Allah, Who has guided us to this, and in no way we could have been guided, unless...