
Showing posts with label immortal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immortal. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Immortal Models


¨Anas ibn Malik reported that when his uncle Anas ibn AL Nadr saw weakness of Muslims in the Battle of Uhud, he said, “O Allah! I am innocent before You of what these (infidels of Makkah) have done, and I apologize to You for what these (Muslims) have done. Then, he fought till he was a martyr.

●It was narrated from ᶦUkbah ibn ᶦAmir that the Messenger of Allah said, “A group of people from my nation will continue to fight in obedience to the Command of Allah, remaining overcoming their enemies. Those who will oppose them shall not do them any harm. They will remain in this condition until the Hour overtakes them.” [The Two Scholars].

¨In the Battle of Badr, ᶦUmar ibn AL-Khattab killed his maternal uncle AL-ᶦAs ibn Hisham (Abu Jahl’s brother), also Abu-ᶦUbaidah ibn AL-Jaraah killed his father in the same battle
As for Abu-Bakr, he said to his son, who has embraced Islam later, “By Allah, if I had seen you on the Day of Badr, I would have killed you.”

¨In the Battle of Yarmuk, which was led by Khalid ibn AL-Waleed against the Romans, the Romans started with a vicious attack that swept through Muslims’ rows. 
Then, ᶦIkrima ibn Abi Jahl went forward and said, “Who gives the pledge of allegiance for death?”
Five hundred Muslims set off with him penetrating the Romans’ rows, and they all were martyred, including ᶦIkrima and his son.

¨In the Battle of ᶦAqrabaa, which was led by Khalid ibn AL-Waleed against Musailamah AL-Kadhdhab (i.e. the liar), when Musailamah realized that he was about to be defeated, he hurried with his forty thousand soldiers and entered “Hadeeqat AL Rahman” (as he had called it), and shut  its door.

Fighting stopped and AL-Baraᶦ ibn Malik yelled at Muslims and said, “Throw me on them.” So, they threw him from over the fence with his sword in his hand. 
He fought those who were at the door, then he opened the door and the masses of Muslims entered and killed Musailamah and his soldiers.

¨In the Battle of Honayn, when Muslims were surprised by arrows raining down on them, they fled and left the Prophet with only twelve of his companions. 
The Prophet did not flee, instead, he shouted: “I am the Prophet undoubtedly; I am the son of Abd AL-Muttalib.” And he had been fighting till his companions came back to him. 

Selections from Islamic Jurisprudence - Preface

The Aim of Translating This Book ﴾ Praise be to Allah, Who has guided us to this, and in no way we could have been guided, unless...